Monday, April 2, 2012

Reflection on Google Docs

I enjoyed using Google Docs. I tried to use it very similarly to my group's Voicethread project so that I could compare the two. I think that Google Docs is easier to use because I was more used to some of the features. Plus shapes were made on their own instead of being doodle (Voicethread). I would recommend being able to select the size of the text immediately and not have to wait and see what it looks like, which provided a small inconvenience. One application of this tool in education is how I applied it (as an algebra problem). I think that another way to use it in the classroom is in English class. The teacher could type a sentence and ask the students to correct any spelling. Note: I followed the directions for putting the link to my Google Docs assignment on my blog. Unfortunately, the link is not working for some reason.

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